Friday, December 12, 2014

10 minute muscle builders

If you are short on time, space, equipment, or anything else that we are short on at this time of year, then you're going to love these quick and easy 2-exercise workouts. I even have a few muscle-building 10- minute 2-exercise workouts for you below. But first, how to tighten your arms and butt...
The Bodyweight Fat Blaster to Tighten Your Arms
1) Total Body Extensions (or Burpees) - 30 seconds
2) Close-Grip Pushups (or Mountain Climbers) - 30 seconds
- Rest 30 seconds and repeat as many times as possible in 6-10 minutes.
The Bodyweight Fat Burning Solution to Tighten Your Butt & Thighs
1A) Reverse Lunges - 30 seconds per side
1B) Punisher Squats - 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off x 2
- Rest 30 seconds and repeat up to four times.
If you like the idea of female-specific fat burning workouts that tighten your butt and arms, I want you to meet one of my Master Certified Turbulence Trainers, Shawna Kaminski. Shawna is 50 years old, has flat abs, and can do more pull-ups than me. (Yeah, I know!)
Get workouts for women over 40 <= and fix your fat burning hormones
Go read Shawna's article on that site right now.
Carve your curves with that insider info, 
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS - Here's a muscle builder for guys like me:
If you want to take those holiday calories and pack them on as muscle, but you only have a short time to workout, use this 3-day, 10-minute program...
Workout A
1A) DB Chest Press - 8-12 reps
1B) DB Row or Chest Supported Row - 8-12 reps
- No rest between exercises. 
- Rest 1 minute between supersets.
- Repeat as many times as you can in 10 minutes.
Workout B
1A) DB Goblet Bulgarian Split Squat - 8-12 reps per side
1B) DB RDL - 8-12 reps
- No rest between exercises. 
- Rest 1 minute between supersets.
- Repeat as many times as you can in 10 minutes.
Workout C
1A) Pullup - Max reps
1B) DB 1-Arm Standing Shoulder Press - 8-12 reps per side
- No rest between exercises. 
- Rest 1 minute between supersets.
- Repeat as many times as you can in 10 minutes.
Boom! 10-Minute Muscle.
PPS - Struggling after a hectic pre-holiday weekend of eating & parties?
If you are struggling, do not fear or worry. Instead, stay strong and commit to positive action every day. Always make the right decisions. Remember that every day and every decision keeps us moving ahead towards a better tomorrow. Increase personal discipline. Decrease personal destruction.
PPPS - And always remember...
"Life is not a dress rehearsal." - #truth ... It's your only Monday, Dec. 15th, 2014 ever. Make it a great one.


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