Tuesday, November 18, 2014

This workout vs crossfit

Here's why this is better than Cross-Fit...

In the time it takes someone to drive down to their local Crossfit, you could do a better cross-training, fat-burning workout at home 
And don't even get us started on the 60 minute P90 videos or cardio...there's no need for workouts to last longer than an episode of CSI. All of these workouts beat you up because they have you do TOO much, too fast. Here's a better way to exercise no matter which one you prefer:
By the way, in doing my research on this new type of training, I demanded the creators of this workout to tell me "In 25 words or less, why these cross-training workouts are better than Cross-Fit!"
Their reply:
You get the same benefits as Crossfit - fat burning, movement skills, 'ready-for-anything' fitness - but Tyler's workouts are accessible for beginners, and don't have the pitfall of high injury rates.
Listen, these workouts are TT-approved and will not let you down. 
Be better,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS - If you truly want something in life...

"If you truly want something you'll make time for it regardless of how busy you are. You can always spare a little bit of time to do something to better yourself and get yourself one step closer to your goal. If all else fails just give yourself 28 minutes. 28 minutes is only 1.94% of your day but you'd be surprised how much work you can get done in that short period of time." - Robert MacDonald, Gym Jones 

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