Wednesday, November 12, 2014

How NOT to fail

I blew it. I just failed on a big goal because I forgot the 1st Pillar of Transformation - PLANNING. You see, I was attempting a massive 33,333 rep 12-week bodyweight challenge during the 21st Turbulence Training Transformation Contest. I wanted to join you as you did your fat loss program, to give you accountability, support, an incentive, and the Big Deadline (the 4 other Pillars of Transformation). 
Like you, I learned a LOT in my transformation, discovering I had the strength to do 15,000 bodyweight squats, 10,000 pushups, 3000 bodyweight rows, 1,500 burpees, and 333 handstand pushups. But I failed on doing 1,500 chinups and 2,000 pullups...because I failed to plan. 
My friend Shaun Hadsall would never have let me make that mistake if I would have connected with him first. He's a master planner. In fact, he has the BEST diet plan going for rapid fat loss today. It's his 4-Cycle Solution for Carb Cycling. It's the perfect mix of fat loss and favorite food indulgence. Shaun, as you know, is a great friend of mine and he's giving you his fat burning diet at half off - and with 3 free bonuses - until midnight tonight. Do not miss out. Get it here before it turns into a pumpkin at midnight!
HALF OFF + 3 *FREE* Bonuses
<------- LAST chance (no extensions)

Listen, there are still over 6 weeks left in 2014. You CAN hit your goals and dreams that you set earlier in the year.
You CAN do it. I believe in you. Take this inspiration and push to the finish.
"Set lofty goals. Proclaim them to the world. And take massive action on achieving the goals you set out to achieve. It's as simple as that. And even if you don't reach 100% of your goals, you've still failed forward and your life and business are in a better place because of it." - Bedros Keuilian

Do not let peer pressure interfere with your path to success. Do not let people stop you from achieving your big goals and dreams. Know what really matters and GO out there and achieve it - starting TODAY.
HALF OFF + 3 *FREE* Bonuses <------- LAST chance (no extensions)
Let's go!
By the way, here is the workout I did during "Tuesday's Hotel Room Sunrise Session" ... with the view from my room in downtown Toronto (nice, huh). The workout was 400 bodyweight squats and 200 pushups, followed by 10 minutes of sprints outside.
Photo: Today's Sunrise Session ... with view from my hotel room in downtown Toronto: 400 bodyweight squats, 200 pushups, followed by 10 minutes of outside sprints. What's YOUR workout and view today?
More short workouts coming tomorrow!
But for now, it's time for a dog walk with ol' Bally the Dog.

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

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