Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Emergency Workout Alert

The NY Times reported a "fun fact" today, one that I don't find fun at all. Then again, I'm snowed in on the farm here in Canadia (in November!), so everything is a little less funny today.
Anyways, the fun fact is that all 50 states in America are freezing. That's right, there's a city in all 50 continental states that will experience below freezing weather today, and many homes, like mine, are snowed in.
Fortunately you don't have to go to a gym for long cardio workouts to lose fat. As you know, cardio does NOT work for fat loss, but these emergency at home workouts WILL do the trick.
So if you need to lose 10 pounds fast for holiday parties, an upcoming beach vacation, or simply to fit into your clothes better, there is ONE workout trick that you need to add into your emergency at-home workout routine. 
It's worked for literally over 2551 years since it was first invented. So clearly it doesn't involve treadmills, screaming fitness models on DVD, or going to a fancy gym. It's just a simple secret that has worked from Day 1. 
Read that article before you do another workout. 
And just in case it sounds to good to be true, you must see the transformation story at the top of the article where one dropped 71 pounds with this secret.
Add this secret to your workout today,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS - Snowed In Support Motivation Tip!
"If you truly want something you'll make time for it regardless of how busy you are. You can always spare a little bit of time to do something to better yourself and get yourself one step closer to your goal. If all else fails just give yourself 28 minutes. 28 minutes is only 1.94% of your day but you'd be surprised how much work you can get done in that short period of time." - Robert MacDonald, Gym Jones
... YES! Let's get it done today! With these emergency workouts, you don't even need 28 minutes. And you don't need to go to the gym, either.
Keep on pushing on and stay consistent through the holidays and snow days. This is the year you will LOSE fat from Thanksgiving to Christmas. You can do it. I believe in you.
Now go read that article! 

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