Friday, October 31, 2014

trick or treat burger recipe

We have two time-sensitive TREATS for you right now, and no tricks (the only trick being played is this darn wet & cold weather here on the farm that's keeping ol' Bally the Chewbacca Dog inside on Halloween night).
Treat #1 - A delicious new recipe below...all you need is some ground beef or turkey and an avocado and you have one of the best burgers ever. It's perfect fuel for hungry kiddos and to make for happy spouses. 
Treat #2 - Big savings on a cookbook full of amazing recipes like this one. 
But hurry, the sale ends tonight, just like Halloween. Poof it goes like the Pumpkin. Oh wait, I think that's Cinderella...not Halloween...whatever...all I know is that this is a great deal of good eatin'! Take advantage here and learn how to EAT more to LOSE more with my dear friend Flavia:
Now it's burger time!
Have an amazing weekend,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS - Never give up on something worth fighting for!
"Anything worth having is worth fighting for. It's worth taking risks for. It's worth sacrificing for. Nothing worth having comes easily" - Robert MacDonald
If you believe in yourself, if you have a vision, if you have a goal you want to accomplish, then be proud of it. Share it with positive people.
Live by example as you pursue it. Stand out. Encourage and motivate others through your actions and attract support into your world. It works. I'm living proof. You will be too. Stay strong - you CAN do it.

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