Tuesday, October 28, 2014

State of the Bodyweight Union

For anyone keeping score on my bodyweight training program that I'm doing in conjunction with the TT Transformation contest, here's the latest update.

My current stats can be found here:

and here's the "state of the union"

Ok, it's not as bad as I thought. There are 15-or-so days left in the 12-Week Transformation. Here's what I must do:

2000 squats
1000 pushups
150 rows
900 Pullups
200 Burpees
800 Chinups
17 Handstand Pushups

The biggest concern is that I need to average over 100 pullups/chinups per day.

I can do this.

The problem is that I have to leave my house and go to a gym to do this, because the set-up I have at home bothers my elbow (I have to use the rafters in the basement, and the angle+grip irritates a tendon on the inside of my left elbow).

But I can – and WILL – finish strong. In fact, I'll be able to cross off a couple of these this week.

Pushing on smartly and safely,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

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