Friday, September 19, 2014

squats and bodyweight moves

Time for another trip back to the gym. It was a barbell squat day, along with some decent bw numbers added to the challenge.

Warmup of bw squats and pushups

1A) Squat
1B) Box Jump
1C) Pushups
1D) Chinups

2A) Full squats
2B) Good Morning
2C) Chin-ups

Total bodyweight reps: 251

101 pushups
100 squats
50 chinups

Tomorrow or Sunday will be off...and the other day will focus on handstand pushups, rows, and burpees.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
"Discipline and freedom are not mutually exclusive but mutually dependent because otherwise, you'd sink into chaos." – Paulo Coelho

Push on,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT


12 week cumulative total:

15,000 Bodyweight Squats
  • 6585
10,000 Pushups
  • 3976
3,000 Bodyweight Rows
  • 1363
2,000 Pullups
  • 237
1,500 Burpees
  • 529
1,500 Chinups
  • 495
333 Handstand Pushups
  • 102
= 13,177/33,333 reps

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