Friday, September 26, 2014

only 90 left

Let's be honest. If you want to accomplish your BIG fat loss goals and dreams in 2014, there are really only 90 days left. That takes us right up to Christmas Eve (because who loses fat between Christmas & New Years?)...not Bally the Dog, that's for sure! It's treat time come Christmas.
If you want to finally lose fat, you need a complete blueprint for your workouts, including professional instruction on how to do them and my in-workout encouragement to stay motivated. That's what you get here:
Lack of a good program stops a lot of people, but so does lack of the right mindset. Here's what I need you to do:
Identify your fears, your temptations, and your obstacles. Create solutions and new habits for your life that will help you overcome these hurdles.
State your ONE big fat loss goal. Make it public. Get accountability. Identify two ways to overcome each of those obstacles.
Get back on track on move closer to your dreams and goals. You can do it. I believe in you.
Finally, I just want to say...
No matter how your day is going you still have time to start a new, positive habit, to eliminate a temptation, to make your life easier, and to make your routines more effective. Stay strong and keep on pushing on, looking for every little way to make your life better.
Keep pushing to the end of 2014,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS - Here is one more quote that HIT home HARD on my TT FB page...
You can - and will - develop more control/discipline over time.
Do not expect it to come all at once. That's okay. We are all imperfect humans...but we are also capable of making BIG changes.
It takes time to establish new and improved habits, but we can do it. So NEVER, ever quit on what is important to you.
Never stop on your commitment to getting better. Plan for the obstacles in your life. Prepare 2 solutions for every problem. Get social support. Be accountable to a friend. Set the rules for your life that will dictate the need for better habits. Implement them every day.
You can do it. You CAN change. I believe in you. Let's go!
PPS - If they can do it, so can you!
Look at these amazing 84-day success stories with Turbulence Training... 
  • Greg Lost 25 Pounds of Fat and 5 Inches Off His Waist with TT
  • Joel Lost 20 Pounds of Fat With Turbulence Training 
  • Melissa Lost 18 Pounds and 8% Body Fat to Get Into the BEST Shape of Her Life - AFTER Her 40th Birthday
That's a total of 63 pounds of fat loss by just THREE people using my legendary "TT" Turbulence Training TT program.

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