Wednesday, September 10, 2014

LV Meathead and Bodyweight Workout

Had a great day in Vegas. Met up with an old friend who is the GM of the new Michael Jackson Cirque show. We went for sushi. It was okay. Years ago I went way off the strip with Mike Geary and Jimmy "Vegas" Sweeney to a small sushi joint. It was amazing. Jimmy is a sushi freak. I'll have to ask him for the name of the place.

Starting tonight we have four big dinners out.

Tonight - Gordon Ramsay Steak
Thursday - Jean Georges Steakhouse at Aria <= I'll get fish
Friday - Brand steakhouse <= probably get chicken or fish
Saturday - Joe's Stone Crab <= looking forward to this the most

As you know, Las Vegas has an incredible number of restaurants and shows. I might actually come here for a vacation some day!

But for now, it's off to work with trainers and help them reach more people.

This morning's workout was an upper body meathead 33,333 workout combo that went like this:

Squat and pushup warm-up

1A) Chins
1B) Elevated Pushups
1C) Bodyweight Rows

2A) DB Press
2B) DB Row

3A) Pullup
3B) Handstand Pushup

I wanted to do more...but a voice in the back of my head said, "Remember Kenny Rogers' advice:

"You got to know when to hold 'em,
know when to fold 'em,
know when to walk away,
know when to run."
Following that advice, I now quit while I'm ahead.
I don't do that extra set.
I don't push to failure.
I train smart.
I stop after a great set.

That's how I avoid the tweaks and pains of my youth.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
If you are waiting for a sign, this is it. I give you permission to take action today. Just start. 5 minutes today. Whatever it is you are trying to improve, give it 5 minutes each day this week. Next week,10 minutes. You can do it. What are you afraid of?


Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS - It's your life. You can't give up control or progress towards your goals because of peer pressure. Stay strong. Get stronger. Own your days.

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