Monday, September 01, 2014

Dirty Denver Circuit

Curse you Denver, and your mile high altitude.

Made for a Labor(ed) Day workout: 15 rounds of 30 bodyweight squats, 20 pushups, 5 pullups, 5 burpees. Also did 150 TRX rows to finish off.

Toronto needs to step up its altitude to prepare me for this next time...or I need to start training at the top of the CN tower. Ha!

I'm in town for a few days of meetings at our headquarters. Might also do some mountain biking tomorrow out at Beaver Creek. Then on Friday it is off to Austin for a BioTrust event, and on Monday I head to Vegas for a week.

I see a lot of red meat in my dining future...

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:

Happy September 1st. Remember..."Change is a matter of choice. Not Calendar." - Dan Kennedy ...If you stumbled, get back on track today. With each daily WIN you will build momentum, you will harness the power of success, you will develop more resources to help you overcome the obstacles in your life, and you will succeed. I believe in you. I know you can do it. Start with little bets, small steps, and mini-victories today and turn that into bigger momentum for tomorrow!

I love this tip for tricking yourself into good habits

And enjoy this interview...
Learn more about my vision for in this great interview

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

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