Thursday, September 04, 2014

3 ab exercises not to do?

I worked my abs really hard this week...whooo-hoo, they are sore.
It started with a 4-minute max plank to pre-fatigue my six-pack. That's a new record for me. Next up was a killer ab superset of TRX standing fallouts and Power Wheel rollouts. Four rounds of 15 reps per move left my abs rocked and rolled. No crunches or situps needed, because they are a waste of time.
NOTE: Do NOT do this workout if you are a beginner. But if you are advanced and want flat, sexy abs, then give it a try.
However, remember what is most important for having a flat stomach - and that is that you MUST burn your belly fat to see your abs.
So how do you do that? 
It's one of the most thorough articles I've read in a long, long time. It's even better than what you get in Men's Health or Oxygen magazines.
It delivers the science about removing lower belly fat and it takes just a few minutes per session.
By targeting your lower belly fat with fat burning hormones. You'll recognize some familiar tips (based on past TT training articles) BUT you'll also discover some brand new fat burning secrets.
Enjoy the article. It's so good that I wish I had written it.
This science based approach will solve one of your BIGGEST fat burning dilemmas. Don't miss the exact 7 day sequence that quickly and easily burns of lower belly fat so that you can finally see your abs.
Time to get lean fast,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS - Today's Kickbuttt Mindset Tip
Keep pushing. Be aggressive. Attack your priorities. Make massive progress on your goals. Crush the obstacles in your way. Don't stop. Stand up for what is right for YOU. Don't be afraid to say NO. It's your life, your one shot, don't back down on what really matters. Say YES to yourself. Say NO to letting people walk all over you. Keep going. I believe in you.

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