Wednesday, September 03, 2014

20 minute cardio myth

Last week Men's Health magazine asked me for the "worst fitness rule" ever. I told them it was this myth that has been around for years. You might have read that...
"You must do 20 minutes of cardio before your body starts to burn fat." <= This is ridiculous and a complete LIE.

Cardio is a terrible way to lose weight.  Worse, did you know that one of the exercises below can actually make you GAIN fat around your belly, thighs and legs? Now here's the REAL scary part...

Studies also now indicate people who perform this ONE trendy exercise too frequently suffer from decreased thyroid function, release more belly fat hormones, and can even damage their heart - all at the same exact time.

Whatever you do, make sure you AVOID this type of exercise. Which exercise do YOU think it is? (Pick one below.)

==> A. Elliptical machine

==> B. Leg Press

==> C. Treadmill

==> D. Squats
Get rid of this exercise from your workout,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS - Your past failures are NOT your fault.
It's NOT your fault if you've tried cardio and low-fat diets and failed.
You can blame the "so-called experts" that keep on wasting your time with their articles on using long, slow, boring cardio for fat loss.
But here's the TRUTH about these expert articles that you read in magazines...most of them are written by people that went to journalism school and who have NO background knowledge in the science of fat loss. 
They have no clue what they are talking about. Unlike me, they haven't spent over 10,000 hours in the gym helping people lose fat. I know what works, and it sure as heck isn't cardio!
So don't blame yourself if you are struggling to lose weight...blame the magazines that you see in the grocery store...the ones making crazy cardio claims to sell issues. 
The bottom line is that cardio does NOT work.
Click here to find out what does

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for a nice article.

    Best cardio for fat loss at home is the thought of having the possibility of getting fit without going out the door may seem perfect for those who have tight schedules and cannot manage to go out just to sweat out.

    For more:
