Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Maximus Workouts from Italy

From Spoleto, Italy...Started the day with an amazing workout soundtrack of roosters crowing and dogs barking while I did 250 pushups (regular, decline, close-grip) and Pull-up Maximus (20 seconds pullups, 10 second hold top position x 2 rounds) and Chin-Up Maximus (same). Crazy tough challenges! (6 photos)


And a great success story from a TT user...

Leslie Williams Millican 1.Body-14lbs lost(and counting),6" of belly fat melted away, waist is 3" smaller, thighs are 2" smaller, hips are 3" smaller and my triceps no longer swing in the breeze. 2.Health- Arthritis in fingers gone(TT + diet) 3. Energy-Through the roof. I wake naturally at 6 AM(late by TT standards, I know) and my ENTIRE pot of coffee habit is down to 2 cups. I'm also able to complete 50 stinkin' burpees! That's a miracle! Thanks Y'all!

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

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