Sunday, August 17, 2014

Jump Rope Workout

A new study published in Research Quarterly found that just 10 minutes of this fun workout is more effective than doing 30 minutes of cardio.
Don't you want a workout that is 3x's more effective than boring cardio?

However, here's the BEST part...It doesn't require fancy equipment and another study found that you'll burn a whopping 285 calories in only 15 minutes. What's the workout? Jumping rope. Everyone loves this easy-to-do, anytime, anywhere way of getting fit and losing fat. Here's an example of one Jump Rope Finisher that burns 19 calories per minute:

1) Skipping: single leg skip - 30 seconds
2) One legged burpee - 30 seconds
3) Side plank recovery - 30 seconds
4) Skipping: other single leg skip - 30 seconds
5) Other leg one legged burpee - 30 seconds
6) Other side plank recovery - 30 seconds
The only other type of training that burns more calories per minute is kettlebell training, but kettlebells are big, heavy, and expensive. It's much cheaper to burn fat with a simple jump rope. Enjoy!
Helping you burn fat fast without ever doing cardio again,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

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