Friday, July 11, 2014

Trapped in a Dead Bar

Weird title.

Just goofing around.

Had a great workout today.

1A) Trap Bar Deadlift - Worked up to 365x3
1B) Long Jump

2A) Hang Clean - 3x8
2B) Taking weight off the trap bar

3) Deadlift - 225x10x5 - 5 reps EMOTM for 10 minutes

4A) Leg Curls
4B) Stretching for upper body

My little slice of heaven in Southwestern Ontario, Canadia.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
Overcome fear. Destroy weakness. Problems will not get better by avoiding them….. "Plan your work and work your plan." – Nido Qubein. Plan ahead for a great week of health for next week already. Prepare 2 solutions for every obstacle that you know life will throw in your way. Focus on what matters. Concentrate on what counts.

And identify the #1 day-to-day issue that is bothering you. Something chronically annoying. Identify how it can be fixed. Contact the people & resources to eliminate it. Have the tough talks it requires. Fix the stress. Ease your life. Surround yourself with people who are smarter than you, with social support, and people do the work for you.

British Gentleman Update:
Better last 24 hours. A few random hellos to strangers. Polite in the gym. That's always tough for me as I'm focused and don't want to chit-chat.

Also had a polite encounter at the Post Office over something that is quite annoying with their service. No point in getting upset, though.

Stay strong and get mentally stronger,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

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