Saturday, July 26, 2014

Saturday Circuit

This is going to be another PERFECT Saturday morning, and you'll get a fast fat burning workout to kickstart your full day of fat loss...
Did this 4-Minute NO-equipment workout and followed it with a couple rounds of KB snatches, then a bike ride, and morning paper.
The Weekend Fat Burning Workout
1) Punisher Squats - 20 seconds squats, 10 second hold in bottom position
2) Spiderman Pushups - 30 seconds, alternating sides (or normal pushups)
3) Switch Lunges - 30 seconds each side
4) Close-Grip Pushups - 30 seconds (or hold a Plank)
5) Punisher Squats (Round 2!)
6) Burpees - 20 seconds on, 10 seconds rest
7) X-Body Mountain Climbers - 30 seconds, alternating sides
Then some foodz!
Want the recipe used by Craig "The Kitchen Clutz" Ballantyne to start his Saturday morning? Here you go! I had Bally the Dog make it for me :)
Your Fat Burning Saturday Morning Shake:
- 8oz water + 4 ice cubes
- BioTrust vanilla cream protein
- 2 handfuls of baby kale and spinach (trust me, you can't taste it!)
- 1/2 banana
- 10 frozen cherries
- 1 tablespoon Athletic Greens
BONUS: We remembered to put the lid on the blender before starting it. Ha!
(DOUBLE BONUS: I was going to add to a tablespoon of Almond-Hazelnut butter, but I just ate that off the spoon instead!)
Here's my home gym where I do my short 4-minute workouts...
Hope you have a perfect weekend planned,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS - Got a few extra seconds? Enjoy these kick-butt mindset tips...
Focus on small, positive changes, habits, rituals, right thinking, and routines everyday. Change your mindset. You are a person who can and will succeed. Truly believe in yourself. You CAN - and WILL - do it this time! Never give up on what is important to you.
Make the RIGHT DECISIONS every day in every thing that you do, from family to health to meals to sleep to wealth. What you do and where you end up is your responsibility.
Step-Up. Commit to fixing the BIG obstacles in your life today. You can't be satisfied with mediocrity when excellence is within your reach. Make the call, do the work, pay the price. It won't fix itself. It's up to you!

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