Thursday, July 10, 2014

No Workout Just PEXTING

Today is an off-day from the gym. Tomorrow I go in for a Trap Bar Deadlift record.

Physically I'm ready to Man-Up. But mentally I've been slacking.

The other week I told you about my morning PEXT program.

You can read about it here:

Progress Update:

I feel like I'm slacking a bit, shirking opportunity to challenge myself, avoiding situations where I'd be tested, and overall regressing.

Time to BG Man-Up.

Yesterday Bedros sent me a text thanking me for the morning PEXT coaching that I send him.

I replied and explained how often I'm writing them for myself.

He knew that.

Here are a few I've written to address the problems mentioned above...

July 9
Identify the #1 day-to-day issue that is bothering you. Something chronically annoying. Identify how it can be fixed. Contact the people & resources to eliminate it. Have the tough talks it requires. Fix the stress. Ease your life. Surround yourself with people who are smarter than you, with social support, and people do the work for you.
July 10
Overcome Resistance. Crush internal sabotage. Defeat procrastination and lack of focus. Summon your powers of self-discipline. Fight for every minute to concentrate on what matters. Give it your all. Do the Important Work. Control what you can, cope with what you can't. 

July 11
You are awesome! But you are not perfect. There is a problem in your life, business, health, or relationships that demands your attention. Stop shirking responsibilty and avoiding the problem. Man-Up. Attack the issue today. Take one big step towards its resolution. Make the call, do the work, pay the price. It won't fix itself. It's up to you.
July 12
Spend an hour this morning without any electronics. Just sit and think. Make space to escape in your busy life. Finish your day with three hours free from all gadgets and TV. Spend the time in conversation or in love, but not in the digital world.
July 13
Give your meditation and prayer to someone else today. Turn your thoughts and love toward them and them alone. Identify 2 solutions for their obstacles. Helping them will help you. When you are done, write a Thank You card to a friend or mentor.

Stay strong,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

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