Thursday, July 24, 2014

Handstand pushups making a comeback

It is an absolutely perfect day here in my lil' town of Stratford, Ontario. It's cool for a summer's day, but I prefer that. It would be just right to do the Justin Bieber walking tour. Alas, I'm too busy for that. But...

I went to our little health food store. It's our Whole Foods with less junk (there is SO MUCH JUNK in Whole Foods these should be called 1/2 Junk, 1/2 Whole Foods)

I had a few questions about the meat, and spoke with the owner. As we ended our discussion, I told her how much I loved the store and everything it offered the city. She was very flattered and thankful.

Most people doing good work don't get thanked enough for it. So go out of your way to give a BIG Thank You to someone today that brings goodness into your life...whether it's your barista, your boss, your best friend, your bus driver, your beef farmer, etc.

Today's Workout
Today I handstand pushups and downward dog pushups in the garage with ol' Bally the Dog, as well as pullups, powerblock presses and rows, and some TRX stuff.

My best ever is 4 handstand pushups - The French think I'm crazy! This was from 2009...and I'm working my way back to doing this exercise.
Photo: 4 handstand pushups - The French think I'm crazy! This was from 2009...and I'm working my way back to doing this exercise. Today I handstand pushups and downward dog pushups in the garage with ol' Bally the Dog, as well as pullups, powerblock presses and rows, and some TRX stuff. What about YOU?

Here's the link to the video

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
Focus on small, positive changes, habits, rituals, right thinking, and routines everyday. Change your mindset. You are a person who can and will succeed. Truly believe in yourself. You CAN - and WILL - do it this time! Never give up on what is important to you.

Stay strong and push on through your challenges,

Craig Ballantyne, MCTT

PS - Great quote from an impressive young man...

"There's money, there's mastery, and there's meaning. At different points in your life, you will weigh each of those differently and appropriately. But always remember that all three are a form of compensation and look at all three when making the big decisions that you have to make."
- Adam Braun, "The Promise Of A Pencil: How An Ordinary Person Can Create Extraordinary Change"

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