Tuesday, July 15, 2014

5 rules for fast fat loss

All the politically correct nutritionists that tell you to ONLY lose a pound per week are dead WRONG. Research proves that you need to lose fat fast to keep fat off and keep losing fat fast.
As much as we'd like to think that "slow and steady" wins the race when it comes to losing fat and achieving our perfect look, it's simply not the case.

In fact, did you know that your current diet may be holding you back and stopping your body from achieving your FASTEST fat loss?

That's because "crash" diets and other severe diets fail to deal with your somewhat broken metabolism. But today you discover how to FIX your slow metabolism and lose fat fast.
This brand new article from my friends Shaun Hadsall and Dan Long (both over 40 & ripped!) shows how to have your FASTEST fat loss week ever:

==> 5 Rules to your FASTEST Fat Loss Week EVER (new article)
Read that now and I'll be back tomorrow with a new 4-minute fat burning circuit that I did in the ol' garage gym. I was pouring sweat and loving every minute of it. You will too.
Kick the fat to the curb fast,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS - By the way, I'm really ticked off...
...at what I heard from a dietician the other day on TV. It was bad, Bad, BAD advice and her snack suggestion will HARM your kids. I'll reveal it this week along with 3 Fat Loss Label Lies.

1 comment:

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