Monday, June 02, 2014

Denver travel and workout update

Yesterday was a smooth travel day from Toronto to Denver. One good thing about traveling on Sunday's is that there is less traffic on the roads. That way the short ride to the Toronto airport was short, and the unavoidable, extremely long taxi ride from the Denver airport wasn't any longer than usual.

Today's workout in Denver at the Colorado Athletic Club was:

Warmup - Shoulder mobility + WYLIT + pushup + Band Pull

1A) Bench
1B) Chest Supported Row

2A) Military Press
2B) Pullup

3A) DB Incline Press
3B) More Pullups

4A) Dips
4B) More pullups

Good times.

Paleo Protein Powder shake and Athletic Greens

followed shortly by:

4 scrambled eggs, steamed spinach, olive oil, a banana, and decaf Green tea

Now off to a meeting with Jeff Siegel from He just happens to live out here in Denver, not far from the offices.

BTW, did you see my article today? Fun walk down memory lane ... #1 lesson I learned from Stephen King

Stay strong,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

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