Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Warning From Bedros and Update on Jay

You might have missed this because of the holiday yesterday...so here it is again, a big WARNING from Bedros. (And below that, an important update on my friend, Jason Ferruggia.)
#1 reason most personal trainers FAIL - By Bedros Keuilian

The #1 reason why fitness businesses fail is because the owner spent too much time & money on the little trivial things that don't matter...

...and not enough time, money and effort on the things that do matter such as:
  • Lead generation
  • Marketing systems
  • Sales process & scripts
  • Operational systems
  • CB Notes: And I'll add one more - REFERRALS (this is the biggest lesson I learned this year since opening my bootcamp)
This is why I'm having Bedros spend all Friday afternoon with you at the TT Summit. He, along with our most successful Certified Turbulence Trainers, will giving you their #1 client getting and lead generation strategies (using dirt-cheap Facebook ads, and free referrals & community events).
Now for a quick update on Jay Ferruggia...I just booked his hotel room and confirmed his attendance for the event. Hopefully we'll get him up on stage for a QnA and to give you one of his legendary, Check-Ups from Neck-Up!
He did one of these for my $100K Mastermind group last September at our Vegas meeting and he was our most popular speaker at that event.
He might be the most popular at the TT Summit, too.
See you there,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS - Then again, he has some tough competition...
...such as Bedros, Alwyn Cosgrove, all the CTT's, and the woman who I believe will be the TT Summit 2014 Rockstar, Rachel Cosgrove.
Oh, and then there's lil' ol' me, too. I know one thing...I'm bringing you my latest & greatest unique bodyweight challenges - you ain't seen nothing yet!

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