Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Squat and Strength in the Spring Heat

Interesting workout day today.

First, I don't know why, but I had more strength and mental alertness than I can recall in a long, long time.

But I didn't do anything special today, and I slept very poorly last night due to shifting time zones and a warm bedroom.

I had 2 spoonfuls of cacao nibs, but that's still slightly less than normal.

Still, dang, the squatting was good today. And I moved through the workout fast.

The only difference that comes to mind is that the gym was warmer than usual...but you'd think that would do the opposite and induce early fatigue.

Oh well, great workout of:

1A) Squats (5-3-1 scheme)
1B) Depth Jumps (5x2)

2A) Front Squat
2B) Good Morning

3A) Leg Curl
3B) Side Plank

After the workout I thought to myself, "I'm going to be exhausted for the rest of the day."

So far, that hasn't turned out to be the case.

However, I was a little dazed and confused from the workout, and not paying attention to traffic. Nearly got thumped by a transport truck...fortunately it was slow-moving as it was driving through our little city and not out on a highway.

Then I had my British Gentleman adventure and lesson at the health food store...good times...and I spent a lot of money on weird stuff, such as $25 of extra virgin coconut oil, $20 on pthalate free shaving cream, $20 on weird tasting, natural toothpastes, some organic sausages and sauerkraut (including beet sauerkraut), and some random protein bars. Good times.

Read my BG lessons here:

Enjoy, and pushing yourself to improve.

Never give up on what is important to you,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS - Avoid negative people that sabotage success. Avoid temptations and negative environments. Cut the cord quickly.

Search out more positive people and experiences. It's ok to ask for help. There ARE positive people out there that want to help & support.

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

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