Friday, May 16, 2014

Deadlift vs Madonna

It's been a fun few days here in Toronto.

On Wednesday night I met up with a couple of doctors for a seafood paella dinner at Patria restaurant in Toronto. Turns out an old friend of mine is the General Manager there. The paella was good, but not as good as the one I had in Barcelona last year. Next time I'm in Toronto I'll try another popular Spanish restaurant, Bar Isabella.

On Thursday, I ran some errands and went to a Blue Jay game at night. Good times.

Today...I was going to visit Madonna's gym here in Toronto, Hard Candy. <= Yes, that's what she called it. But that will have to wait until later this month. That will be a field trip worth telling you about!

Instead, I deadlifted.

1) Hang Clean (light)

2) Deadlift

3) Hang Clean (moderate weight) because they had no KB's for Swings

4) Pullups

5A) Shrugs
5B) Leg Curls

I'm doing all of my forearm work on 1-2 days now to let my grip strength recover better.

Tomorrow or Sunday I'll hit a bench press workout.

Off to tour around the city some more,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS - "To get something you've never had, you must do something you've never done." -

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