Thursday, May 01, 2014

20th TT Transformation Contest Starts NOW

Happy May 1st. You could just as easily change your life today as on New Years.

"New opportunity is matter of choice not calendar." – Dan Kennedy

Stay strong. Keep on pushing on. Never give up on what is important to you. And the KEY is to know what is REALLY important to you.

Listen, this might be tough to hear...but I've got to get this off my chest.
You were put here on this earth to live an amazing life...
You have incredible potential.
And you want - and deserve - a better life.
So why do you hold yourself back from making a transformation?
Today I want to destroy all of the reasons that cause you to be your own biggest obstacle in the way of your success.
I want to pay you $1000 just for transforming your body. earn that $1000, here's what you have to do.
This is our 20th contest - and the contest method has been proven to work by nearly 75 men and women that have won top prize in the past.
I've paid out over $100,000 of my own money to encourage men and women just like you to finally take make the changes they want...and to get the body, energy, and life they DESERVE.
Won't you be my next winner?
Won't you overcome your obstacles with the planning,social support, accountability, incentive, and deadline offered by our proven system?
Those are the 5 Pillars of Successful Transformation - and you will get ALL of those for FREE when you join the contest.
The time to change is here.
The excuses are all gone.
Let's do this.
Let's help you make amazing changes.
There's never been a better time than right now.

Please don't hold back any longer.
I promise you, there isn't any better feeling than accomplishing a dream that you've had for a long time.

Am I right or am I right?
Now is the time to find out.
I can't wait to see what you can accomplish.
To your success,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS - Big news...
...we've made a very important change to the contest. 
It's still FREE, of course, but this time you only have one week to enter. If you want to do a full 12-week transformation, you must start before May 8th.
The final date for you to submit your entry is July 31st. 
That date will come quick...and your transformation will fly by...but at the end, you'll have a new body, greater confidence, and so much pride in what you have accomplished. You'll be a changed-for-the-better person.
Let's start an incredible journey together today.

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