Saturday, April 12, 2014

Smoothie Time (but not for Bally)

If you or anyone you know has an aversion to smoothies, then this mouth-watering recipe is guaranteed to blow them away. I think it's amazing, and I got it from my former neighbor in Toronto, world-famous nutritionist and health guru, Yuri Elkaim. We used to live in the same condo building right beside an amazing dog park in Toronto, but Yuri and his wife had little Chihauhaus that didn't go to well with ol' Bally the Dog :).
Now to be quite honest...This smoothie is easily the BEST green smoothie I've ever tasted. Even ol' Bally would slurp it right up, if he were allowed - which he is not! But that does not stop him from asking.
It really is delicious. Here's the recipe for you to see for yourself... 
Tangy Coco Spinach
2 big handfuls of spinach 
1 banana 
1⁄2 cup strawberries 
1-2 stalks celery 
Juice of 1-inch piece of ginger 
Juice of 1⁄2 lime 
1 young coconut (water and meat) 
250 ml water
Add ingredients to blender, blend, and enjoy.
Since trying it for the first time not too longago, it's helped me convert the most skeptical and smoothie-averse people, which now means they can enjoy better health and more energy :)
And you will too!
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS - Combine this with fat loss accelerator workouts...
...and you'll lose a lot of weight and gain a TON of energy in just a few short days. It's all about the complete program. 
But honestly, even without the workouts you'll get amazing results with this type of smoothie every day. It's the perfect solution - fast, easy, and tasty.
PPS - Many people ask...
...these common questions, so Yuri answered them for you.
Q: Will I get enough protein from these smoothies and juices?
A: YES! You'll get more than enough protein, especially if you make any of the "protein powerhouse" smoothies.
- See more at:
Q: Will I get enough protein from these smoothies and juices?
A: YES! You'll get more than enough protein, especially if you make any of the "protein powerhouse" smoothies.
- See more at:
Q: Will I get enough protein from these smoothies and juices?


YES! You'll get more than enough protein, especially if you make any of the "protein powerhouse" smoothies.

Q: Are these smoothie and juices suitable for my kids?


Absolutely. Both my 2.5-year old and 9-month old sons drink these smoothies and juices on a daily basis. It ensures that they get terrific nutrition when they might be pickier with other foods. They love them!

Q: Do I need to buy organic ingredients?

If you can that's great. If not, don't worry about it. You'll still benefit tremendously from the better overall nutrition.


  1. Anonymous11:15 PM

    If you have an aversion to something you stay away from it. You were likely thinking of "affinity" which means that you have a particular liking for something.

  2. Denise12:45 AM

    Funny that I found this post in my email while I was looking online for some smoothie recipes. I really don't care for smoothies either, but, will try this one.
    Thanks for sharing
