Tuesday, April 08, 2014

Nutrition Plan for Abs

Did you know that the years of eating processed foods, lack of exercise, and normal eating patters have literally PROGRAMMED your body to burn NOTHING but calories and sugars from the foods you consume everyday...
...INSTEAD of burning off your ugly body fat? 
In fact, today's exercise programs take way too much time and use old-school methods that cause you to crave more food and calories - especially calories from sugar - FORCING your body to burn sugars and waste away nothing but stored energy. 
This means that EVERY time you eat and exercise your body is busy fighting a losing battle. BUT...
What if there was a way to RESET your body's fat burning switch so that your body burns fat FIRST every time you move and exercise?
Well there IS. It's a super simple 3-step metabolic primer from my good friend and Stubborn Fat Expert, Shaun Hadsall, that TURNS OFF your body's "addiction" to burning sugars, while making your most stubborn fat your "go to" energy source in ONLY 3 or 4 days. 
STEP #1: Try to consume zero starches or fruits for 3 or 4 days in a row during the week. 
This will help accelerate depletion of glycogen (your stored energy) and get your body burning fat again. This should equate to a total of 25 to 50 impact carbs for the day. Consume protein in every meal to help increase satiety and keep your body in "fat burning mode". 
You'll program your body to burn a ton more belly fat by using this approach a just a few days of the week. 
STEP #2: Increase your fats and double your servings of green cruciferous veggies on deplete days. 
When you lower carbs for a few days you'll automatically need energy from other sources. Friendly fats and cruciferous veggies should be your go to macronutrients to help provide this needed energy. 
Some good examples to use are extra fish or krill oil, olive oil, coconut oil, grass fed butter and small amounts of raw nuts for fats -- spinach, kale, broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, arugula, green beans, Brussels sprouts and cabbage are great choices for extra veggies.
This will help provide all the fiber, vitamins, and minerals necessary to maximize fat-loss during a lower carb phase. 
It will also DECREASE your cravings in a big way.
STEP #3: Double your daily water intake when you deplete carbs. 
Remember, for EVERY gram of carbs you eat over the weekend (or any other time) your body holds nearly 3 grams of water. 
So if you had a few slices of pizza, some bread and a bowl of ice cream we're talking an extra 700 to 1000 grams of water sitting under your belly skin. 
Consuming extra water is the fastest way to UNDO the damage of over-eating, getting rid of excess water retention, and facilitating other metabolic processes that burn fat. 
A good rule of thumb is to consume at least 50-60% of your total body weight in ounces of water a few days after overeating. 
After 3 or 4 days of using this strategy, your body and hormones will be PRIMED to burn PURE fat when you exercise. 
You just have to make sure you're using the RIGHT TYPE of exercise or all this could be nothing but a waste of your time and energy. 
That's why Shaun created the 7 Day Ab Targeted Solution. 
It's specifically designed to release fat-burning adrenaline, while quickly targeting stubborn fat from your WORST trouble stops.
And it's proven to DOUBLE the fat burning effect of 3 step nutrition approach above in ONLY 12 short minutes per day:  
If you'd like to SEE your lower belly get flatter WITHOUT gaining it back or damaging your metabolism, just click the link above and you'll discover exactly how you can make it happen in just 7 short days. 
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

1 comment:

  1. You did an amazing job writing this blog.. Loved it!
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