Saturday, April 05, 2014

Diet Mistake

Last night I made a big diet mistake. I had dinner at the awesome Hamamori Sushi restaurant in the fancy-schmancy South Coast Plaza here in Costa Mesa. Here's what I ate. Can you spot the problem? Look carefully...
Turbulence Training's photo.
So many chemicals in the fish, I'm sure!
Who knows how much Fukushima fallout was in the tuna, how much mercury was in the salmon, and in the octopus and shrimp?
I was probably a chemical nightmare walking away from that delicious Ocean Salad. :)
The trouble is that we all have chemicals inside of us. In fact, in 2005, a study by the American Red Cross found a shocking 287 chemicals inside our bodies, which included dioxins, phthalates, pesticides, Teflon byproducts, flame retardants and many others.
There's no escaping this toxic burden.
It's ALL inside your body right now and it's harming your cells, causing severe inflammation, clogging up your liver, stopping your body from getting rid of unwanted belly fat - and it's aging your body at an accelerated rate.
Fortunately, there are few simple "tweaks" you can make to your diet, starting today, that can help your body eliminate this toxic burden and get your fat loss moving again, while helping you look and feel younger.
Just add these 4 foods to your diet and your body will instantly begin to "let go" of your trapped fat cells
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS - I'm going to make ANOTHER diet mistake tonight. Sorry!
But I'll tell you all about it tomorrow.

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

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