Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Meathead in Toronto

Great workout at one of the Goodlife Gyms in downtown Toronto today.

The workout went like this:

1A) Bench
1B) Pullups

2A) Neutral-Grip DB Press
2B) Landmine V-grip row

3) 1 set of dips to finish

So simple, so effective. There are also some nice training toys in that gym, but most of them are roped off with a Keep out Braigz CallEntyne sign on them. Oh well.

Here's a common question I get on FB...

Q: What should I eat before and after my workout? Protein or carbs?

If you are hungry, eat a little bit of both before training. If not, do NOT force calories. You don't need to anything special before your session when doing short workouts. After training, have 20grams of protein (whey protein is best), and then eat again when you are hungry. Keep it simple, my friend!

Many others are asking:

Q: I have a fitness test or race coming up soon, what should I do?

Well, first you need a time machine. Second, train consistently, but conservatively. Don't overdo it at first. Just do ONE set per exercise. Train twice per week this week, and then 3 times per week next week. Add a 2nd set next week, and a 3rd the week after. Get your diet dialed in. Back off if you feel it necessary. Good luck!

And if you are just getting started back on a running program for some spring races, use the running program in this workout:
- www.turbulencetraining.com/toughdeal

Alright, now I have to get back to writing the TT April Workout of the Month.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
Tough choices today will pay off tomorrow and echo forever in eternity. ‪#‎LeaveYourLegacy‬

Push on,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS - Biz tip of the day...

If you are just getting started, here's my advice:
- http://www.earlytorise.com/why-you-should-start-small/

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