Monday, March 24, 2014

Meathead garage workout and weekend birthday party

I'll be doing some upper body meathead stuff plus slam ball intervals and some kb work to follow up after yesterday's deadlift workout. training, as I'll be traveling to Florida. I'm going to Joel Marion's to celebrate his 32nd birthday this weekend. I believe it is a "Frozen" themed birthday party, LOL.

While I'm there I will be sticking with my strict no-gluten, no-dairy, no red meat, no alcohol nutrition plan.

Sounds boring?

Nope. I'll crush plenty of Chipotle (carnitas!), amazing meals of fish and fresh vegetables, delicious local fruit, and my superfoodz breakfast. You can read about the Superfoodz and an awesome 10-minute circuit here:

And over on FB, where we just crossed 91,000 fans (!) at, a reader asked about getting rid of the last bit of stubborn fat.

My reply:

Advanced results call for advanced measures. You must be super strict with your diet. That's what fitness models know and do. Stick to TT workouts. It's all about dialing it in with diet. You must combine diet with total body metabolic resistance training for the perfect 1-2 punch for belly fat.

Grab these...
1) FREE meal plans:


2) And get these workouts:

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
"A person who has not done one half his day's work by ten o clock, runs a chance of leaving the other half undone." – Emily Bronte

NEVER GIVE UP. Overcoming adversity, dips, & dark days makes you a better, stronger person. Make a plan, set a deadline, get social support and accountability, and reward yourself for getting through it. "Just as food tastes better when first there is hunger, success tastes sweeter when first there is failure." – Martin Rooney

Until tomorrow, create the VISION. Go here and watch my free video

You have one life. What will your legacy be?

Make it,

Craig Ballantyne

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