Friday, March 14, 2014

Giving you one more chance

There was one BIG thing I forgot to give you in today's 
Go-Giver message.
And that was a deadline...because nothing gets us to give action
like a deadline. So here it is...
Tonight, at midnight, the registration investment for the TT
Certification increases by $300. So save big by reserving your
TT Certification spot here today => Get TT Certified and save
In addition, there are only a few spots left. We have a hard cap
on the number of people that we train at once - in order to GIVE
as much individual attention as possible. And we almost filled 
the TT Certification thanks to my presentations at FBS last week.
So grab your spot here before the price increases or all of the 
spots simply disappear:
Oh, and if you missed this morning's message, let me GIVE it
to you again. Have a generosity filled weekend! - Craig
The Secret to Getting All That You Want
The answer to getting exactly what you want in life is so obvious
in hindsight. Bu like you, I missed it for many years.
Every day I see personal trainers walking right by their chance to
have a great life, all because they have too much of a competitive
and scarcity mindset.

The answer to getting more in life, in fact, to getting ALL that you
want in life, has been known for decades.
You just need to start going in the OTHER direction.

Heck, even an ol' country bumpkin knew the secret. He shared it with
the world in one of his most famous quotes.

"You will get all you want in life if you help enough other people get
what they want.
" - Zig Ziglar
That's a HUGE secret to success so that only leaders really know and 
apply, and in the fitness industry, I'm talking about leaders like Mark
Verstegan, Alwyn Cosgrove, Bedros Keuilian, etc.
This sneaky secret to success works whether you want to get more clients
or whether you want to get your clients more fat burning results. It will
even help YOU lose fat and get in better shape, faster. Here's why...
When you teach and coach others, you become a better expert. You understand
the secrets at a deeper level, you see what really needs to be done, you identify
the obstacles, you generate your solutions, you share your goals, you get support,
you recruit accountability, and you finally make the changes you want.
But it all starts with your decision to make helping others your focus.
Help to win!

Ever since I flipped my internal switch and made it my goal back in 2007 to 
help more people - particularly personal trainers - to change more lives, 
EVERYTHING about my life has gotten easier and better - and wealthier.
Giving more has allowed me to:
  • Attract more good people into my life
  • Eliminate the number of people that criticized or attacked me
  • Become a BIG business leader
  • Help more people
  • Change more lives
  • Make more money
  • Have almost unlimited opportunity
  • Love what I do (more than ever)
  • Give more back
It's the perfect cycle.
That's why you must Flip the Switch inside of you and give more.
You see, I love this anonymous quote that has been going around the web:

"To get something you've never had, you must do something you've never done."
That's such great #truth!

So what's your next step if you want to become a top personal trainer in
your town?
I've been doing a lot of study on the mindset component of this, because
there are so many struggling trainers with plenty of "workout smarts"that
just can't seem to break through and build the business of their dreams -
with the freedom that they want - and deserve.
And recently I stumbled across this great quote on what it takes to succeed.
Like the two other quotes I've already shared, this one is also brilliant:
"Reach and Stare. Get out on the edge of your ability. Reach out into your
discomfort zone and reach past that. And find somebody to be . Stare at
what they are doing and model them
." - Dan Coyle, The Talent Code

Give and model a mentor. Give your energy, model success. Pretty simple.

Bottom Line: You must GIVE to GET.

That is why we give so much at Turbulence Training and through the
TT Certification.
Click here to attend the next TT Certification event

When you sign-up to get TT Certified, we'll start giving you everything
that you need to success. In fact, you'll get immediate access to:
- Every TT workout I've ever created (including ALL Bootcamp manuals)
- DVDs and online video access to the TT Certification seminar
- FREE access to the 2014 TT Summit
- Advanced Fat Loss Program Design and Client Attraction Secrets
- Monthly Done-For-You Marketing Materials like postcards, email sequences,
  Transformation Blueprints and more, all PROVEN to help you get more clients
- All TT workout videos
- The TT Forum (where you'll connect with other TT Trainers)
- And a very cool "goodie bag" sent to you in the mail (featuring some sweet
Turbulence Training swag and a special life-changing book

Here's to you becoming a TT Certified Trainer.
You'll leave the weekend FULLY TT Certified. 
And YES, as a TT Trainer, you'll get to attend the life-changing TT Summit
for FREE in 2014 - and for every year that you stay TT Certified - saving
you another $497.
The TT Summit and Certification will change your life. We're dedicated to
helping you get more clients and make more money - and get those clients
even better results in less time than ever.
Leave a legacy! Be a leader! Be a Go Giver!

Looking forward to giving,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS - And that is why I hang around...
...other Go-Givers, like Bedros Keuilian.
In fact, at the next TT Certification, Bedros will be there to GIVE you a tour
of his six-figure Fit Body Bootcamp. He'll also GIVE you the secrets that he
used to get it there.

We are going to GIVE, GIVE, GIVE to you, so that you get, get, get results.

And when YOU get results, I win.


Because you grow the TT World.

You help me get closer to my 10 Million Transformation Mission.

The more I give to you, the more you help, the closer I get to my goals.

Thanks for being a Go-Giver.

I will see you - and give to you - at the next TT Cert in a few weeks.

Click here to attend the April TT Certification event

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