Sunday, February 16, 2014

A Little Improvement on a Big Lift

Added an extra day of recovery this weekend before my latest deadlift workout, and it seemed to have helped. This allowed me to get an extra rep on my final set. The workout went like this.

Big warmup with extra attention for injured calf (hurt doing too many sprints the other week in Florida)

1A) Deadlift
1B) Military Press

2A) Lateral Raise
2B) Leg Curl
2C) Shrug

Yeah, Meatheadish. Good times.

Then we had a wicked Fitness FB QnA session at with our 60,000 fans, where I corrected many people on their 'too-much-training' programs.

Q: I'm still stuck in the old school mindset that I learned in high school that your heart rate has to be elevated for 20 mins before body starts burning fat, so to lose weight doing anything less than 20 mins of cardio is a waste of time. What mechanism with HIIT training causes fat burn in such a short time? - Lisa Torres

Hi Lisa!

Good news: You are burning fat every single minute of every day. You NEVER stop.

BUT: That old school thinking people tried to teach you is if 19:57 minutes of exercise doesn't cause fat stopped 3 seconds fat burning for you! haha.

Here's what really train hard. You burn calories. You then burn even more calories during recovery. Please read this free report I created to clear things up:

Q: I have been doing interval training 5-6 days a week- I feel good, but is that too much? I've heard you shouldn't do it more than 4x a week. - Joni Keiner

Hey Joni!

There's no reason for you to be doing intervals 6d/week. You're going to get an overuse injury. Even pro athletes don't train that hard, that often. You won't lose any fitness and you won't get fat. Cut back, stay active with mobility/stretching or weak spot training, or meditate or walk a dog or play with kids or do something else with that time instead. Heck, take a nap! Thanks!

Q: Craig--I've been training regularly for many months--since July actually. I TT three days a week, HIIT/run three days a week, yoga twice a week, and hour long Zumba toning with weights three times a week. I keep my calories between 1400-1700 and while I am getting smaller, the scale isn't budging and stubborn baby weight/ belly fat remains. Advice? By the way, I've lost 76 pounds thanks to TT. So thank you! - Misty Cone

Misty - Congrats on your success with TT!

But you are now exercising too much. You don't need to do I'm giving you the same advice I gave to Joni with some specifics at the end for you... You're going to get an overuse injury. Even pro athletes don't train that hard, that often.

Cut back, stay active with mobility/stretching or weak spot training, or meditate or walk a dog or play with kids or do something else with that time instead. Heck, take a nap! You won't lose any fitness and you won't get fat.

SPECIFICS for you, Misty:
You will do 3 TT workouts per week, 1 interval session, and 1 (MAX, preferably ZERO) Zumba sessions (<= these are pointless compared to TT). Yoga is fine. Ignore the scale. Focus on body fat. Thank you!!!

***I concluded...

Alright, GREAT session. Really glad y'all brought up those training questions and gave me a chance to fix your schedule and free up more time for you. More exercise is not always the answer, because really, at what point do you stop on that slippery slope?

TT trains you like an athlete, WITH built-in recovery. Please do NOT add workouts on top of TT. Yoga and recovery training is fine, but not 3 days of this and that.

Thank you - thank you - thank you.

Stay strong, and bring quality training to every session...not QUANTITY training to every week.

Train with purpose in your quality sessions.

Train til the sweat pours off you. Forget all your problems. Unleash it. Then go home renewed for the day/week.

That's the way to train. Enjoy your extra time off with TT. Life's about more than another Zumba class. Thank you!

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
Always be prepared. Always have options. Always have a plan. Always have resources. Always have connections. Be alert. Be aware. Be agile.

Alright, time to go for lunch...then off to the airport...and Florida for a couple of weeks...and then

It will be a fun three weeks on the road,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS - This new CTT LIVE! event will be delivered by our very own Master CTT's, Dani Woodrum & Kate Vidulich.

If you want to step up another level, visit this page to reserve your spot:


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