Monday, January 13, 2014

What Personal Trainers Want

When most people say that work is not all about the money, they are lying.

But it's true for Personal Trainers like you and I. Personal trainers are different
from the average business owner or employee.
We want to change lives.
And we also want to be part of one BIG thing. We want to be part of something
that is BIGGER than ourselves. I want to introduce you to someone who has
achieved that...and who will help YOU achieve the same goal too (all while 
becoming a better trainer, making more money, and having more freedom).
Going after this one BIG thing changed this one Personal Trainer's life. I love
the confidence that the TT Certification has given him. You'll get to see it - and
benefit from it - first hand at our next TT Certification in Tampa here.
How to Achieve Your Goals
By Dani Woodrum, MCTT
Master Certified Turbulence Trainer
"The TT certification has completely changed my life. I know it sounds
cliché, but there's simply no other way to put it.

I first came across Craig and Turbulence Training my first year in college
and was instantly intrigued by his unique approach to training and his vision
and 10 Million Transformation Mission to help people all across the world.

So I bought one of his workout programs, and was immediately hooked. Over
the next couple of years I began to interact with Craig and became a member
of his TT forum.

One morning I received an email announcing that he was going to be hosting
the first annual TT event in San Diego. Without hesitation, I booked my
flight and made the small investment to attend this amazing event.

I ended up meeting longtime Certified Turbulence Trainers, Mikey Whitfield
and Scott Rawcliffe at the first event, and we've been great friends ever since.

We all wanted to be become a part of something greater than us, which is
exactly what the TT Certification entails.

I knew I had to get involved and so I joined the TT Certification (the best
investment of my life
) and I knew my life was about to change.

When the first monthly TT newsletter I received in the mail - I was absolutely
astonished at the research, client attraction tools and inside access to Craig. I
knew from that moment that I was going to be a big force to be reckoned with
in the fitness industry.
In the past 3 years since becoming TT Certified, I have:
  • 1) Opened up 2 successful bootcamp gyms
  • 2) Gained direct access to Craig and the entire TT team
  • 3) Launched 2 online products that have helped thousands of happy customers
  • 4) Created workouts that have been published on Craig's websites
    5) Had VIP access to fitness events all over America where I've met fitness
        industry leaders such as Jason Ferruggia, John Romaniello, Adam Bornstein,
        Dan Long, Bedros Keuilian, and Martin Rooney
  • 6) Been a finalist for TT Trainer of the Year 2013
  • 7) Even joined Craig's Mastermind group

  • Those are just a fraction of the amazing experiences I've had since becoming
    a Certified Turbulence Trainer.

  • Most importantly, I have gained financial independence and acquired the freedom
    to work when and where I want.

  • Before becoming part of Craig's team, I was living at home with my mom and
    working in the gym part time doing 1-on-1 personal training. But I now own two
    successful kickboxing gyms that started making profits after 2 months of opening. 

  • One big idea that Craig and the TT Certification have taught me is how to finally get
    people to Take Action.

  • I recently used these secrets in a 2 hour Black Friday Special at my gyms. We
    offered 50% off of 1 year Pay In Full memberships for 2 hours ONLY. 

  • This sales secret brought in $13,500 at one gym and over $22,000 between
    both gyms...all in just 2 hours!

  • This is just one example of how the TT Certification has given me financial
    freedom. And in the past 2 years, my fiance, Brittney, and I moved to one of the
    most beautiful cities in the world, Charleston, South Carolina. I now live on an
    exclusive island and am truly living my dream life.

    I wake up each day with the security of knowing that I'm my own boss, have Craig,
    the Godfather of Fitness, as my mentor/coach, and have the ability to help thousands
    of people live a better life every day. I can't think of a better feeling than that!
    You can't do that as an average Personal Trainer...but CTT's are NOT average!

  • Here's what separates this certification from all the rest and makes it the BEST
    in the fitness industry:

  • The TT Certification is not just a simple fitness certification, it's a "Life Success"
    Certification. It has helped out nearly every aspect of my life...and you can't put
    a price tag on that!

  • Thank you Craig for allowing me to be a part of the TT team. I will carry this
    honor proudly for the rest of my life!

  • And I look forward to certifying hundreds of new trainers in 2014, starting with
  • our event in Tampa later this month.
  • To your success and achieving your goals,

  • Dani Woodrum, MCTT
    Master Certified Turbulence Trainer
    Charleston, South Carolina

    Dani is an up-and-coming rockstar in the fitness industry.
  • You can join Dani, Kate Vidulich, MCTT, and myself in Tampa to become a
    Certified Turbulence Trainer on January 31st.

    Join us in Tampa and start changing lives with us,
    Craig Ballantyne, CTT
    Certified Turbulence Trainer
    PS - Live & train clients overseas?
    Can't make it to Tampa?
    You can get all of the benefits of the CTT System by completing our
    online digital TT Certification program here
    We have trainers in India, Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong, England,
    Brazil, Norway, Dubai, and Qatar.
    Nothing will stop the Turbulence Training System from taking over the world!

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