Wednesday, January 08, 2014

NEVER lose weight slowly

For years politically correct (but wrong!) nutrition experts have been giving you the wrong advice, telling you to lose only 1 pound per week. Here's why that doesn't work...

Please read this article
You'll discover:
  • The best way to support a rapid fat burning metabolism for fast results
  • How to finally overcome the Fat Loss Catch-22 of low-calorie dieting
  • Why cutting 3500 calories does NOT equal a pound of weight loss
  • A complete DONE-for-You "Fastest Fat Loss Week Ever" guide
  • How YOU can eat anything you want every 5 days & still lose fat fast 
  • The secrets to losing fat in your 40's & 50's - and beyond
  • How to avoid fat "spillover" from eating your favorite carbohydrates
Take action and start losing fat faster today.
Research shows that people who lose fat FAST stick to their program longer and therefore get better results.
Losing weight slowly results in more dropout. 
And see below for a few special TT bonuses you'll get when you start.
Time to finally lose those unwanted holiday pounds fast,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS - To help you lose the most fat possible in 7 days...

...I've created a special set of advanced fat loss bonus workouts that I'm giving you as a free accelerator pack to use with Shaun's program.

Just get Shaun's solution here:

The Fastest Fat Loss Diet in the World

And then email us for your bonus workouts here:

And you'll get these 3 bonus advanced workouts:

1)    TT Xtreme Depletion - The BEST program to use with Shaun's diet
2)    TT Guru-Level Fat Loss - My latest follow-up fat loss program for TT
3)    15-Minute Fat Loss Workouts (for when you are REALLY busy)

Total value of this bonus package is $99.75, but you get them all for free when you get Shaun's program today.

To your fastest fat loss ever!

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