Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Deadlift and Gauntlet Garage Training

Two awesome workouts to tell you about today.

First, on Tuesday morning I made the drive from St. Pete's over to Tampa to visit the legendary PowerHouse Gym, one of my favorite lifting joints in America. I was hoping to see Big Ben Pakulski there, but he was not training. I know he's deep into preparation for the Arnold Classic, and I'm betting this will be the year he wins it all.

PowerHouse Gym in Tampa is the ultimate Meathead and fitness bunny gym.

While Ben wasn't there, a 65 year old guy beside me was deep squatting 365 pounds...and 25 year old guys talking about doing chest again tomorrow...for the 4th straight day. Ha! Good times.

I did...

1A) Deadlifts
1B) Box Jumps

2A) Military Press
2B) Front Squats

This morning I put a client through workout A from my upcoming February 2014 TT Workout of the Month called, "TT Thermo-30 3.0: Thermo Gauntlets". Here's a sneak peak:

1A) *Pullups or Bodyweight Row – 2 rounds of 40 seconds with 20 seconds rest (2-0-1-0)
1B) Decline Close-Grip Pushups – 2 rounds of 40 sec with 20 sec rest (2-0-1-0)
1C) Kettlebell Swings – 2 rounds of 40 sec with 20 sec rest
1D) *Med Ball Slams or Stability Ball Jackknife – 2 rounds of 40 sec with 20 sec rest
•    Do this circuit once only.
•    Rest-Pause Style: You will do each exercise for 2 back-to-back sets separated only by a 20-second rest-pause between the back-to-back sets.

That's followed by an MRT circuit (rest-pause style as well) and then a bodyweight finisher.

It starts off with a bang. You'll love it when the full program is soon released.

Daily Habits:
On Facebook today, John Richards asked: Do you have some items on your do list that is considered MVP's and how many would that be each day?

My answer:
You bet!

Writing, selling, meditation, exercise, my daily nutrition checklist, laughing, 30 minutes of classical music, 2 dog walks (when home), answering questions on FB and my TT Member's site, and texting a few dear friends.

Why do I do all of this? Because I am serious about my 10 Million Transformation Mission found here

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
Stop comparing yourself to others. It is likely the biggest source of unhappiness in your life. Let it go. Free yourself from comparison.

Alright, have a great day.

Watch that Mission videos. Do your TT workout. And get up early. Those are your big lessons for today. Talk to you tomorrow. Oh, and consider writing a Thank You note each day. Read this:

Stay strong,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

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