Thursday, January 23, 2014

3 grocery mistakes

I bet you made a couple of these shopping mistakes the last time you went grocery shopping. I know that my sister and mother mess this up all the time.
So...picture the foods in your fridge at this very moment.


Did you know that most of the "healthy" foods inside contain hidden fat-STORING ingredients without you even knowing it?


Did you also know that there's a super simple way to rid your life of these "fattening" foods and SWAP them with delicious foods that BOOST your metabolism and speed up fat loss?


And you can do it today - in LESS than a few hours:


In this new, controversial article my friend and Food Investigator, Nick Pineault, reveals 3 things you must STOP doing when you buy your "healthy" foods at the grocery store.


Check it out here:

The discoveries Nick shares in the article at the link above are so important that it changed the way I shop for groceries forever.

Eat right for fat loss or get burned by sneaky fat gaining foods,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS - Hurry, before you eat again...
...because you don't know which foods are causing the problems.
You probably have these 3 foods in your kitchen right now, and the best thing you can do for your health and fat burning efforts is to get rid of them right now! Go read Nick's article and take action today.

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer


  1. Anonymous10:13 AM

    This is also usefeull source for theese click here to see

  2. Anonymous10:14 AM

    This is also usefeull source for theese click here to see
