Sunday, December 15, 2013

New Fat Loss Records

New records were set...
...and four lucky people will win $1000 of my money because of it.
One woman in our over 40 category lost a record 28 pounds of fat.
All in just 12 weeks while using Turbulence Training.
Another woman in our under 40 category lost 38 pounds of fat.
And one cool dude in the men's under 40 category dropped 24 pounds of fat.
But most important, you get to pick the winners of my money here:
And then you can get started on your personal transformation with TT.
Our next contest starts the day after Christmas.
You can achieve these results too.

Looking great!                                 Ha, yeah, he got a haircut, too!
Pick the winners of my money here:
And then get started on your personal transformation.
You don't have to wait until January 1st to change your life,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS - Tough weekend?
If you stumble, get back up. What happened yesterday no longer matters. Today, get back on track on move closer to your dreams and goals. You can do it. Never give up on what is truly important to you. The trick, of course, is to know what REALLY matters. Put your energy there.
And remember...
Plan ahead. Always have 2 solutions for every obstacle. Never go into a battle unprepared.
And add one new positive habit each day this week. Remove one negative habit. Baby steps, little bets, over time, add up to big success stories. 

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