Sunday, December 01, 2013

New 4-Minute Workout Videos Are Up

The 10 new 4-minute workout videos I shot last month have been
added to the HWR website.
The new videos are added to the '4 Minute Miracles' menu option. They
are all labeled NEW and start at video #11.

The manual is under the 'Start Here' menu called '12 Week 4-Min
Miracles Plan

If you are an HWR client and still have access problems, please contact
Lesa at
If you are NOT a HWR client yet, you can get immediate access to the
full program and over 80 bodyweight workout videos here:

And then let me know your results with the program,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT, MS
Certified Turbulence Trainer
Creator, Home Workout Revolution System
P.S. Want to get EVERY workout I've ever created?

Plus, you'll get a NEW workout every month, AND access to all of
my online exercise video clips...AND the new Turbulence Training
2.0 follow-along videos coming out in September!

You will also have priority access to the discussion forums where you
can ask me all of your personal program and nutrition questions so that
you can ACCELERATE your results.

You'll get that PERSONAL attention plus ALL of my workouts while
saving over $100 with your PREFERRED client discount today.
Here's your discount to get started with ALL that I've got:


See you on the TT forums.

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