Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Tokyo Training and Travel

Well, it wasn't perfect, but it went relatively smoothly. My trip from Toronto to Tokyo (via a layover in Chicago) took about 2.5 hours longer than expected due to a flight delay and traffic jam in Tokyo.

But, that said, I'm here safe and sound and feeling great.

I'm particularly pleased that I booked most of the trip (the business class flight, and 2 of 5 hotel nights) entirely on reward points. I always thought it was impossible to use them, but I pulled off a $12,000 trip. Victory is mine.

The day (that is to say, Day 1) started at 3am in Toronto with a quick workout in the hotel gym (db presses, rows, pushups, pulldowns), then an early morning flight to Chicago.

I left myself with plenty of time to make the connection because I knew that flights from Toronto to Chicago have a high possibility of delay. It turned out to be overly conservative because the TO-CHI flight was on time, but the CHI-Tokyo flight was delayed two hours.

I made great use of this break, however, by finishing the awesome December TT Workout of the Month. It's all 4-minute workouts put together in a 4-day sequence (you'll do 4 different 4 minute workouts each of those days).

There are a couple of doozies, like the Burpee Challenge and "Climb the Burpee Ladder" Challenge. And we have follow along videos for them, too. If you have then you will get these videos for free. Victory is yours.

Finally it was time to board the flight, and not a moment too soon, as I had been stuck in the United Lounge watching the "New England Patriots missed penalty debacle" replay over and over and over again on ESPN. And there's nothing like listening to a bunch of old white male road warriors giving their opinion as they sit around the bar in the lounge. LOL.

The flight went well...I ate, at about 4pm Chicago time, stayed upright for an hour to prevent heartburn, and then laid out flat and slept on and off for 8 hours. The second half of the sleep was much more restful, and now I'm a little too awake for 10pm Tokyo time.

When I arrived at my hotel I did a bodyweight only hotel room workout of Prisoner Squats and Pushups. 300 squats and 100 pushups, done in sets of 20. (Obviously doing a few more sets of squats to get there.) That's a decent workout to maintain fitness (for me) while traveling. I'll hit the hotel gym tomorrow.

But mostly I'll be playing tourist on Thursday, and leaving structured work behind. I'm scheduled for a 4am pickup to head to the Tokyo fish market with my business partner, Matt Smith. Then we're meeting more friends and heading out into the Japanese countryside. But that said, I'm sure I'll be inspired to create some workouts or articles but the things I see. Hopefully I'll get some fantastic photos as well, particularly of sea monsters at the market.

Until then, check out my latest MH article on the "Ab Miracle Worker":

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
"Nobody ever wrote down a plan to be broke, fat, lazy, or stupid. Those things are what happen when you don't have a plan." – Larry Winget

How do you measure up on this 8-point checklist of the "secretly" rich

Have the courage to conquer your fear of failure. Rise to the challenge.

Never give up on what is important to you,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

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