Monday, November 25, 2013

Reason #1001 Cardio Sucks

Quiz: The average American will eat ___ calories on Thanksgiving Day?
a) 4500    b) 3000   c) 10,000   d) 3500
The answer in a second. But first, a BIG "cardio confessional mentality"
mistake that most people make.
According to the Wall Street Journal, participation in "Turkey Trots" is at an
all time high, but here's the shocker...the number of calories burned in these
races has decreased from 460 calories to 410 calories
Why? Because the races are getting shorter...
But I'll bet 99% of the people think that the short cardio session will allow them
to eat whatever they want all day long.
And that's why average calorie intake tops 3,000 on T-Day.
Don't make the same cardio mindset mistake.
A little jog doesn't burn enough calories to overcome a big blowout.
Instead, you need total body workouts that combine metabolic resistance 
training with conditioning. 
Here's the solution. Of all the fitness experts in the industry, there's ONE guy
I trust more than anyone else for hard-to-the-core workouts.
He's my go-to guy in the gym (I've trained with him all over the country), for
hanging out with (whether in LA, NYC, or even at the Jersesy Shore), texting
Seinfeld jokes with, and going to Pearl Jam concerts with...
That expert (and one of my best friends in the world) is Jason Ferruggia. When
it comes to training, I trust Jay, because he's been training folks even longer than
I fact, 2014 will mark 20 years for Jay in the fitness game.
Training with Jay at his gym in Jersey is Meathead heaven, even when 
we're doing Renegade Cardio with the Prowler or Battling Ropes, or 
some crazy muscle-building finishers like curls with chains.
The most ripped physiques in the world, like those of NFL wide receivers
or UFC fighters, are built with high intensity conditioning; not traditional
cardio. Those guys can't afford to lose muscle or power. 
  • Bodyweight Circuits- A collection of finishers based on nothing but
    bodyweight exercises that can be done anywhere, anytime. On the road,
    in a hotel room, on the beach, you name it.

  • "One in the Chamber"- A collection of finishers based on only one
    exercise or training implement.
  • Kettelbell Killers- Various kettllebell circuits to jack up your conditioning
    and incinerate bodyfat.
  • Bike Circuits- If you have to use a bike for conditioning this is the way
    to use it. Discover how to mix bike intervals with various other exercises
    for maximal results.

  • Battling Ropes & Jump Ropes- Low impact circuits for awesome results.
  • Barbell Complexes- The most effective barbell complexes that only require
    an empty bar and some space.
  • Pyramids- One of my favorite conditioning methods and definitely not for
    the weak of heart.
  • Deck of Cards- One of the most popular yet feared workouts at
    Renegade Gym.
  • "On the Mix Now"- A collection of various circuits incorporating
    bodyweight, kettlebells, ropes, sleds, sledgehammers, sandbags, medicine
    balls and more.
  • Plus 10 bonus hill sprint and strongman workouts

If you're a trainer or bootcamp instructor this is a must-have resource.

Become a Renegade with this NEW fat burning Un-Cardio Training

Even I could do 10 minutes of THIS cardio,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

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