Saturday, November 02, 2013

Change your habits

Wow, I posted this on FB yesterday and had a HUGE response. You have to read this...Here's what I wrote:
"Change your mindset. You must truly believe in yourself. When you do, you can rise up even higher than you ever dreamed possible. Raise yourself up as high as you can go. It's up to you. No one will do it for you. Stay strong. Keep pushing on."
But listen, motivational quotes are all fine and dandy, but I wanted to give you real-world examples and instructions on how to change your life and your habits.
Last year I overcame a really disgusting bad habit. And I did it in just a few days. Read about how I finally changed my habit here 
You'll also discover my 6-week "Bad Habit Transformation Contest".
As author Dan Kennedy says, "You could just as easily change your life today as any other day. You don't need to wait for January first."
So let's see what you can improve BEFORE New Years, rather than waiting until after.
I'll pick three habit-changing winners that will receive a $150 Amazon gift card. But in order to be eligible to win, you have to post your plan today and your results in 6-weeks.
This mini-contest gives you a little taste of the possibilities that lie ahead in our future Transformation Contests coming in 2014.
More about that in a few weeks, but for now, let's make small changes first and start dropping bad habits and replacing them with good habits.
The keys to your future success are your daily habits today.
Start dropping the bad habits and implementing new positive behaviors today. You can do it. And it won't take you that long, I promise.
That's how you'll create a better future.
Dedicated to your life changing success and better habits,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS - Don't wait.
Take action today.
You can do it.

I believe in YOU.

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