Monday, October 28, 2013

Rest-Pause Garage Training

You know it's a great workout when the garage is 55 degrees Farenheit and you're dripping in sweat.

(That's 14 celcius for those of us in Canadia and the commonwealth.)

Here's how it went down today:
1A) Double KB Front Squat (4x10)
1B) Pull-up with Rest-Pause technique (4 sets x AMRAP)
1C) 1-Arm KB Clean & Press (4x8)

2A) KB Swing (4x20)
2B) KB Snatch (3x10)

3A) TRX Row with Rest-Pause (2xAMRAP)
3B) TRX Pushup-Fly with Rest-Pause (2xAMRAP)

Wicked, wicked workout!

But wait, there's more. Here are 3 of my best tips for building lean muscle without the belly fat:

And if you want only bodyweight exercises, use this FREE 4-minute workout video from the Home Workout Revolution program. Do this today instead of long, boring cardio

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
Being organized is important, but don't become a professional organizer that uses organization as procrastination.

“The best way to get started is to get started. Life rewards action…not reaction. Wait for nothing. Attack life. Don’t plan to death or ask for permission…but act now…and apologize later.” – Kekich Credo #81

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

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