Sunday, October 13, 2013

Heavy Lifting and Amazing Seminar and Thanksgiving in Canadia!

The TT Certification weekend was 10x's better than I could have hoped for.

We just finished up our 1st ever Master TT Certification.  Every session, every break, every meal, every (hilarious) photo and particularly dinner on Friday night was a Family Affair. So proud of all my TT Trainers have done, and honored by their commitment to TT.

We've got great chemistry with you, Mikey, Brian, Lopez, Kate, and Dennis, leading the way.

The first one is next month in Lapeer, Michigan...with Brian and myself - hope you can make it

I also took a day off from the Internet yesterday. I'm now doing this once per week. But I'm still writing my book. Yesterday morning I wrote out Day 84's theme - willpower. Today, I'm tackling Seriousness.

And then having a Canadian Thanksgiving meal tonight with family.

But first, I did this workout:

1A) Close-Grip 3-Board Bench Press - 5x5
1B) Chin-up with Knee-up - 5x5

2) Squat - 5x5

3) RDL - 3x8

Have a great day.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
"We seek out comrades in arms. Brothers who will get our backs, lifelong friends who are just as crazy as we are." – Steven Pressfield

There is no shortage of folks out there who are happy to help you reach your goal. There are a lot of people with the same goals as you. Find them! Get help!

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

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