Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Best time of day to exercise

"What's the best time of day to exercise?"
Research shows that we are most likely to stick to a workout program when we exercise in the morning...BUT...
You have a greater risk of hurting your low-back if you exercise in the morning.

Here's the solution. There's a 15-second stretch that you can do first thing in the morning that will really help your body feel better.

#1 Stretch to Do In the Morning < ---- Pictures

Don't thank me, thank my friend and injury rehab expert, Rick Kaselj, MS. Rick is the one that told me about it and it makes a HUGE difference.
Rick will fix you. 
Check out his solution here <= and then my solutions below 
Make the smart decisions when you exercise,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS - Get Rick's complete solution for fixing your back pain and...
...I will give you 5 Bulletproof Core Training programs to help you lose fat, improve your ab strength, protect your low back, and even get six pack abs.
When you get Rick's program, just email us for these bonuses at:
PPS - Here's what is most important...
... that you pick a time to exercise when you are most likely to stick with it.
So listen, here's the bottom line:
The best time to exercise is on a day that ends in "y".
That's right.
Just find what works for you so that you can stick to it.
You can do it. 
I believe in you.
Keep on pushing!

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