Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Sweat Fest and Funny Story

Five days in Vegas started yesterday with a trip to Randy Couture's Xtreme Couture gym and then a great sea bass dinner at Joe's Prime Steak and Crab restaurant. Tonight we might go to American Fish at Aria. I'm all about seafood, not steak, these days.

Now for a funny story...earlier this week I was visiting my friend’s “hardcore” gym.

We decided to do a TRX and tire flipping circuit.

Round 1 was TRX rows, TRX triceps extensions, TRX biceps curls, and then 30 seconds of flipping the tire.

After banging out the TRX exercises, I headed over to the tire. Squat, lift, push, and flip. Boom went the tire.

And that seemed to wake up a poor little cock-a-roach (by little, I mean big as my thumb) that was having a siesta in the tire.

It skittered away. Under the falling tire as I completed my next rep.

But of course, it being a cockroach, I couldn’t kill it. And it escaped into the protection of a forest of kettlebells sitting on the floor.

So there’s probably going to be a very surprised gym member when they go to grab their kettlebell for swings.

Oh well, at least the cockroach wasn’t farting.

Read about 6 other things never to do in the gym here:

And then here's 1 big thing you should do:

"Another sweat-fest with TT 2.0 Intermediate workout C. This one was a little easier than A and B, but I still finished in a pile of my own DNA. Thanks, Craig, for a great new program! I am quite certain this one will get me in the best shape of my life for my 40th birthday in November!" - Kathleen Walters, on

Check out:
- for the workouts that Kathleen is using.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:

All of your hard work is just a small sacrifice now in trade-off for the huge returns you'll earn in the future. Stay strong. Never give up on what is important to you. (The key is to know what REALLY is important to you. Don't fall for false goals. Know thyself!)  Don’t be satisfied with the norm. It’s okay to want to achieve special results. The world needs folks who dream and achieve big things.

Stay strong,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

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