Monday, September 09, 2013

Squat Press Deadlift Repeat

Yesterday's workout was great. So simple. Squat, db press, and snatch-grip deadlift. Added in some chin-ups with knee-ups to end it all.

And I witnessed a bunch of funny things...writing that up for an article on Wednesday.

Until then, I'm back in the gym for another Squat-Press-Deadlift workout today. Long story, but it's a 4-day per week, low-volume, high-intensity experiment. And so far, so good.

Until then, here's a fun read on the 10.5 odd reasons you need the New Turbulence Training

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
"When a man is not achieving what he would like, it is because his goals are not clearly enough defined." - Paul J. Meyer … Watch this quick, FREE video to help you set your goals

Keep on pushing. Stay strong. Make little bets. Win minor victories. That is what gets the momentum going.

Take a little drive with me down memory lane with my ol' man

Here's to having an incredible week with the right Monday mindset.

Stay strong and get stronger,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

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