Thursday, September 26, 2013

Perfect timing for this weekend

No lifting for ol CB today. It's a deload week of easy training before I start up another 3 weeks of heavy lifting on the Squat-Bench-Deadlift system.

Perfect timing too, because I'm off to NYC this weekend for John Romaniello's wedding. I'll be hanging out with Jay Ferruggia, Bedros Keuilian, Joel Marion, Isabel De Los Rios, Roman and his beautiful bride, and so many others. What a great group of people. Then it's off to Denver on Monday morning.

And in honor of the Toronto Tough Mudder program this weekend, try this:

It's the exact program I used it to do 2 tough mudders without getting shin splints.

Recipe of the day: Latin Flavor Quinoa

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
When people try to sabotage you or embarrass you for your decisions, it is because they are weak where you are strong. They envy your control and success. Do not let their failings impede your progress. Stay true to yourself and never give up on what is important to you.

The quickest way to the top is not by fighting your way through the pack, but by leapfrogging over it. There is, however, one catch...

Keep pushing,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS - Want to start an online business like mine?

Start here with this free guide

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