Monday, September 02, 2013

Forgive yourself and move on

We all make mistakes. No one is perfect.
So if your hand was in the cookie jar too much this weekend, or if you had a few too many drinks while enjoying time with friends and family, or if you just watched too much football and ate too many nachos, then I want you to:
Stop worrying about it.
No matter what happened this weekend, get back on track to being your best possible self. Get better every day.
FORGIVE yourself.
It's MINOR damage that can be dealt with.
And if you want to fix the damage from the weekend, here's the solution.
You need to join the 18th Turbulence Training Transformation Contest.
It's perfect timing to go with your brand new TT fat burning follow-along workout videos and personal coaching that you can get from me tomorrow.
Remember - the TT Transformation Contest is FREE (just like the awesome workout below).
All you have to do is use your favorite Turbulence Training workout to lose belly fat, gain more energy, and change your body, and you can win up to $1000 of my money.
  • Grab a newspaper today.
  • Take your before photo.
  • FORGIVE yourself for any mistakes that happened this weekend.
  • MOVE on.
  • Start changing your body to finish 2013 strong.
  • Get the NEW Turbulence Training workout videos tomorrow.
  • Transform your body over the next 12 weeks.
  • (And potentially win $1000 just for losing your belly fat!)
Listen, there are less than 120 days left in 2013, but you can still ACHIEVE amazing results.
Because if you aren't going to change now, then when will it be?
There's no better time than today.
You CAN do it.
I believe in you,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS - Skeptical that you can change?
Then I want you to see something.
You'll love Deb's story of how she lost 27 pounds of fat in 12 weeks using the original Turbulence Training workouts!
And my personal favorite story is Peter from our Under 40 men category, a long-time TT member, who lost 14.4 pounds of fat while gaining muscle and getting ripped abs.
You can even start your free Transformation with this free workout video.
Click on this link or the video to watch a free sample workout from the Turbulence Training 2.0 program.

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