Sunday, September 29, 2013

1st Ever Live TT Certification Seminar

Finally, I have what you've been waiting for...'s your first (and only in 2013) chance to join me for a Live
TT Certification course.
I know you've been holding out for this. So we've planned an amazing
two days of action-packed training and cutting-edge fat loss program
design. Plus, you'll leave the weekend with a blueprint to get more
clients...something that does NOT exist in any other fitness certification.
That's just one of the ways the Turbulence Training Certification program
is superior to everything else you've done before. In addition, as CTT success
stories Mike Whitfield,  Catherine Gordon, Shawna Kaminski, and co-host of
the Live seminar Brian Kalakay will tell you, the TT Certification is...
  • One of the few that deliver monthly cutting-edge tips
  • The only certification that gives you Done-For-You marketing in the mail
  • And it's the most advanced Fat Loss Program Design cert in the world
You'll be a better, wiser, and wealthier trainer with the TT Certification. We're
not just sending you home with a piece of paper and few new exercises.
Instead, Turbulence Training helps build your business - together.
If you want to join the 10 Million TT Transformation Mission and get TT
Certified so that you can help us change the world, here's what you need to know.
The first ever Live TT Certification course is Friday and Saturday, Nov 8th and
9th in Lapeer, Michigan.
Why Lapeer?
Because that's where superstar trainer Brian Kalakay has his Xtreme Results gym
and Fit Body Bootcamp location. It's one of my favorite gyms in America, and is
easily accessible from the Flint, Michigan airport.
This is the perfect time of year to upgrade your Certification and skills. You'll
go home with the complete tool-kit to get more clients in the New Year and 
deliver even faster, more amazing fat loss results.
Let's change the industry. Let's build your business. Let's do this together.
See you in November,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Training
PS - There are TONS of goodies...
...that you'll get when you reserve your spot for our 1st Live event.
This includes access to ALL of my workouts, plus a free ticket for
life to the annual Turbulence Training Summit in San Diego (our
next event is already booked for June 6-7, 2014 with Alwyn and
Rachel Cosgrove as our special guests).

Be a Leader.
Join the Elite.
Get Turbulence Training Certified.
Looking forward to you being a BIG part of the TT Family. 
Talk soon!

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