Thursday, August 01, 2013

Turbulence Training Pinterest Page

I love this motivational quote...
"To get something you've never had, you have to do something you've NEVER done!"
My goal is to help 10 Million Men and Women - just like YOU - to transform their bodies and their lives. So I need to spread the word. That's why we just created a really cool Pinterest page
I recently challenged the fitness world to encourage healthier foods for our kids. We need what I referred to as an "Anti Rachael Ray" - someone who can turn chicken fingers from fat to fit - and make it look easy so parents will actually want to cook it. 
Ol' Craig the kitchen clutz may not really know how to properly boil water ... and I burn myself when I try ... but, I'm okay with that. 
What I do know is that I can spot an awesome, TT-approved, kid-friendly and delicious meal when I see one. 
So, I'm asking YOU to help. 
Check out some of our new recipe pins and suggestions and join the conversation. You'll also notice some really awesome TT content throughout the page. 
We can tackle childhood obesity one delicious (and nutritious) french toast recipe at a time. Let's change the world and take care of our kids - and our own health, too.
Stay in touch with me there,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS - My favorite part of this new site is...
...where you can find all of my motivation quotes and images here:
Stay strong!

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