Sunday, August 04, 2013

More Four Minute Miracle Workouts

Here's what people hate...
...going to the gym in the summer.
I can't blame you.
Fortunately, there is a solution - the 4-Minute Miracle Workout System. And it takes just a few minutes so that you don't have to miss out on all the excitement and fun of summer going on around you. And if you want to pair a couple of them together, that's really easy too.
Here's the super fast, super effective bodyweight workout we did on a warm sunny Sunday afternoon here at the camp.

Warm-Up Circuit
1-leg Hip Extension
Towel Rows

4-Minute Workout #1
Off-set Pushups
Walking Lunge
Ab Walkout
Rock and Roll Plank
4-Minute Workout #2
Pull-ups - 20 seconds on, 10 seconds rest
Dips - 20 seconds on, 10 seconds rest
Repeat 3 more times
4-Minute Workout #3
"Punisher-X" - Use the Total Body Extension in Punisher-style
You'll notice it was quick, and very effective. I was dripping in sweat even before we hit the Punisher X.
Then someone asked, "Should we do some crunches next?"
I laughed. 
No way. That is one of the WORST exercises you can do.

Train smarter,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS - We won't be giving away the 4-minute workouts... such a low investment for much longer. This deal will end today.
Get over a dozen 4-minute workouts here

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